Thursday, December 18, 2014

Walk With Winter

Here in the wake of gentle morning hush,
shimmering sun rises in its scarlet blush,
whispering namaste in the bitter breeze
amidst the crow and bluejay’s fervent pleas.

Here in the woods, you are never alone;
nature comes alive in its welcoming home.
Squirrels bury nuts under the towering oak,
white-tails bolt as distant shots provoke.

Here the forest yields its stark winter scene,
all barren branches save for tiny evergreens.
These solitary pine trees, if they grow at all,
shall grow ever strong, ever free, ever tall.

Here is where I long to sleep, in pale moonlight
beneath snowy blanket on long December nights.
Walk with winter, let broken hearts become whole,
with peace and serenity to ease your weary soul.

Colleen Keller Breuning
December 18, 2014