Wednesday, December 10, 2014



When storms lift the hood of this burial shroud
And rage flashes down by way of the clouds,
I take refuge in the quiet of winter twilight,
Nestling deep into the cold and restless night.
Right at this very moment, I only want silence --
No words, no music, no noise or dissonance,
Just the moving images the zoopraxiscope projects
Motions in my mind, where dark shadows reflect.

I see horses in green pastures run like wildfire,
With flames stoking desire, rising ever higher,
Fields of periwinkle blue stretching endlessly,
A clear path where the eagles soar to eternity.
Feel the winds of change blowing through my hair --
Spirits of the wild, hold me and take me there,
To the healing waters where hope rises and flows
And the sun ascends, triumphant in its golden glow.

Colleen Keller Breuning © 2014
December 10, 2014

1 comment:

  1. Your words ascend, much like a kite in a straight wind, with you holding tightly on the line.
